Room No.: ESB 332-A
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai - 600 036
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

N. Saxena, R. Raghunathan and M. Anbarasu, "A scheme for enabling the ultimate speed of threshold switching in phase change memory devices”, Scientific Reports 11, 6111 (2021).
Y. E. B. Vidhya, P. Arvind, M. Anbarasu, N. J. Vasa, "Influence of fluence, beam overlap and aging on the wettability of pulsed Nd3+:YAG nanosecond laser-textured Cu and Al sheets", Applied Surface Science, 548 149259 (2021).
S. Rathinavelu; N. Saxena, K.D. Shukla and M. Anbarasu, "Rapid threshold switching dynamics of co-sputtered chalcogenide Ge15Te85 device for selector application" Semicond. Sci. Technol. 36 015013 (2021).
S. K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, "Direct evidence for structural transformation and higher thermal stability of amorphous InSbTe phase change material", Scripta Materialia 192, 73 (2021).
M. S. Arjunan, D. Suresh, Anirban Mondal, K. V. Adarsh, and M. Anbarasu, "Realization of 4-bit Multilevel Optical Switching in Ge2Sb2Te5 and Ag5In5Sb60Te30 Phase Change Materials Enabled in the Visible Region", ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2, 3977 (2020).
M. S. Arjunan, Nishant Saxena, Anirban Mondal, Tejendra Dixit, K. V. Adarsh, and M. Anbarasu, "High‐Stability and Low‐Noise Multilevel Switching in In3SbTe2 Material for Phase Change Photonic Memory Applications", Phys. Status Solidi, RRL (2020) https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.202000354
M. S. Arjunan, Anirban Mondal, Suresh Durai, K. V. Adarsh, and M. Anbarasu, "Impact of crystallization process in multilevel optical switching in GeSbTe and AgInSbTe phase-change materials" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 53, 495303 (2020).
S. Rathinavelu and M. Anbarasu,"Temperature-Dependent Local Structural Changes of Amorphous Thin Ge20Te80 Film Revealed by In Situ Resistance, X-Ray Diffraction, and Raman Spectroscopy Studies" Phys. Status Solidi. B, 2000451 (2020). DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202000451
D. Suresh, R. Srinivasan and M. Anbarasu, "Impact of Process-induced Variability on the Performance and Scaling of Ge2Sb2Te5 Phase-Change Memory Device"Semicond. Sci. Technol. 35, 035031 (2020).
D. Suresh, R. Srinivasan and M. Anbarasu, "An extremely fast, energy-efficient RESET process in Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change memory device revealed by the choice of electrode materials and interface effects" Semicond. Sci. Technol. 35, 015022 (2020).
S. Rathinavelu, Nishant Saxena, K. D. Shukla and M. Anbarasu,"Temperature dependent structural evolution and crystallization properties of thin Ge15Te85 film revealed by in situ resistance, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopic studies" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 53, 25108 (2020).
Nishant Saxena and M. Anbarasu, "Sub-nanosecond threshold switching dynamics in GeSb2Te4 phase change memory device",J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 53, 25103 (2020).
Nishant Saxena, Christoph Persch, Matthias Wuttig, M. Anbarasu, "Exploring ultrafast threshold switching in In3SbTe2 phase change memory devices" Scientific Reports, 9, 19251 (2019).
- R. Ganguly, H. Zamin, Nishant Saxena, M. Anbarasu, A. Acharyya and R. Ranjith, 'Dielectric Switching Studies of poly-vinylidene fluoride thin films with dominant planar ferroelectric domain configuration for flexible electronic devices', IEEE Trans. on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 26, 1371 (2019).
D. Suresh, R. Srinivasan and M. Anbarasu, 'Impact of Thermal Boundary Resistance on the Performance and Scaling of Phase Change Memory Device', IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, (2019) DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2019.2927502
Nishant Saxena and M. Anbarasu, 'Threshold switching dynamics of pseudo- binary GeTe–Sb2Te3 phase change memory devices', J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 52, 375301 (2019).
M.S. Arjunan, A. Mondal, A. Das, K.V. Adarsh, and M. Anbarasu, 'Multilevel accumulative switching processes in growth-dominated AgInSbTe phase change material, Optics Lett., 44, 3134 (2019).
S.S. Mani Prabu, H.C. Madhu, C.S. Perugu, K. Akash, R. Mithun, P.A. Kumar, S.V. Kailas, M. Anbarasu, I.A. Palani, 'Shape memory effect, temperature distribution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded nitinol', J. Alloys and Compounds, 776, 334 (2019)
A.K. Shukla, I. A. Palani, and M. Anbarasu, 'Investigations on laser-assisted interference-based rapid texturing of flexible polyimide substrate for photovoltaics applications' Jap. J. Appl. Phys., 58, 016506 (2019)
S. Sahu, M. Anbarasu, U. Deshpande, 'A systematic evolution of optical band gap and local ordering in Ge1Sb2Te4 and Ge2Sb2Te5 materials revealed by in situ optical spectroscopy', J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 51, 375104 (2018).
A.K. Shukla, I. A. Palani, and M. Anbarasu, Laser-assisted dry, wet texturing and phase transformation of flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrate revealed by Raman and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopic studies, J. Laser Appl., 30, 022008 (2018).
S.K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, ‘A fully automated temperature-dependent resistance measurement setup using van der Pauw method’, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89, 033906 (2018).
A.K. Shukla, V.M Yadav, Akash Kumar, I.A. Palani and M. Anbarasu, ‘Investigations on effect of laser-induced self-assembled patterning on optical properties of flexible polyimide substrates for solar cell applications’, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 51, 045502, (2018).
K.D. Shukla, N. Saxena and M. Anbarasu, ‘An ultrafast programmable electrical tester for enabling time-resolved, sub-nanosecond switching dynamics and programming of nanoscale memory devices’ Rev. Sci. Instrum., 88, 123906 (2017).
S. Sahu, R. Sharma K.V. Adarsh and M. Anbarasu, ‘Ultrafast and low-power crystallization in Ge1Sb2Te4 and Ge1Sb4Te7 thin films using femtosecond laser pulses’, Appl. Opt., 57, 178 (2017).
K.D. Shukla, S. Sahu M. Anbarasu and U. Deshpande, ‘Direct Evidence for a Systematic Evolution of Optical Band Gap and Local Disorder in Ag, In Doped Sb2Te Phase Change Material’, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 11, 1700273 (2017).
A.K. Shukla, K. Akash, I.A. Palani, M. Anbarasu, ‘Laser assisted wet texturing of flexible Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrate using Nd3+:YAG Laser for photovoltaics devices’, Mater. Sci. & Engg. B, 226, 78 (2017).
S.K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, ‘Extremely high contrast multi-level resistance states of In3SbTe2 device for high density non-volatile memory applications’, Phys. Status Solidi, RRL, 11, 1700227 (2017).
S. Sahu, M. Anbarasu, H. Shaik and G. Mohan Rao, ‘Local structure of amorphous Ag5In5Sb60Te30 and In3SbTe2 phase change materials revealed by X-ray photo-electron and Raman spectroscopic studies’, J. Appl. Phys., 122, 015305 (2017).
S.K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, ‘A weak electric field assisted ultrafast electrical switching dynamics in In3SbTe2 phase change memory devices’, AIP Advances, 7, 075206 (2017).
S. Sahu, Rituraj Sharma, K.V. Adarsh, and M. Anbarasu, ‘Femtosecond laser-induced ultrafast transient snapshots and crystallization dynamics in phase change material’, Optics Lett., 42, 2503 (2017).
S.S. Mani Prabu, H.C. Madhu, Chandra S. Perugu, K. Akash, P.A. Kumar, Satish V. Kailas, M. Anbarasu, I.A. Palani, ‘Microstructure, mechanical properties and shape memory behaviour of friction stir welded nitinol’, Mater. Sci. & Engg. A, 693, 233 (2017).
Krishna Dayal Shukla, Nishant Saxena, D. Suresh and M. Anbarasu, ‘Redefining the speed limit of phase change memory revealed by time-resolved Steep Threshold-Switching Dynamics of AgInSbTe device’ Scientific Reports, 6, 37868 (2016).
S.K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, ‘Sub-nanosecond threshold-switching dynamics and set process of In3SbTe2 phase-change memory devices’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 233501 (2016).
S. Sahu, S. K. Pandey, M. Anbarasu, U. Deshpande, V. Sathe, S. Murugavel, ‘Direct evidence for amorphous to cubic transition and local structure of thin Ge1Sb4Te7 films using in-situ UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy and Raman scattering studies’, Phys. Status Solidi. B, 253, 1069 (2016).
M. Anbarasu, M. Santosh Kumar, M. Kumaraswamy, S. Sahu and R. Ranjith, ‘Low power ovonic threshold switching characteristics of thin GeTe6 films using conductive atomic force microscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 243501 (2014).
M. Anbarasu, M. Wimmer, Gunnar Bruns, Martin Salinga and Matthias Wuttig, ‘Nanosecond threshold switching of GeTe6 cells and their potential as selector devices’, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 143505 (2012).
M. Upadhyay, S. Murugavel, M. Anbarasu and T.R. Ravindran ‘Structural study on amorphous and crystalline state of phase change material’, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 083711 (2011).
M. Anbarasu and Matthias Wuttig, ‘Understanding the structure and properties of phase change materials for data storage applications’ Invited review article in Journal of the IISc, 91, No 2, 259 (2011).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘Low electric field, easily reversible electrical SET and RESET processes in a Ge15Te83Si2 glass for Phase Change Memory applications’, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 084517 (2011).
M. Anbarasu, S. Asokan, S. Prusty and A.K. Sood, ‘Structural origin of SET-RESET processes in Ge15Te83Si2 glass investigated using in-situ Raman scattering and Transmission Electron Microscopy studies’, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 084517 (2009).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘The Presence of a Thermally Reversing Window in New Al-Te-Si Glasses Revealed by Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Electrical Switching Studies’, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 354, 3369 (2008).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘An Extended Stiffness Transition in Ge-Te-Si Glasses Revealed by Alternating Differential Scanning Calorimetry’ Philos. Mag., 88, 599 (2008).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘The Influence of Network Rigidity on the Electrical Switching Behavior of Ge-Te-Si Glasses Suitable for Phase Change Memory Applications’, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 40, 7515 (2007).
M. Anbarasu, Sudakshina Prusty, S. Asokan and A. K. Sood, ‘Electrical Switching and In-Situ Raman Scattering Studies on the SET-RESET Processes in Ge-Te-Si Glass’, Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 093520 (2007).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘Differential Scanning Calorimetric studies on As-Te-Si glasses: Network Topological Effects and the Composition Dependence of Thermal Parameters’, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 352, 1551 (2006).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘Electrical Switching Behavior of Bulk As-Te-Si Glasses: Composition Dependence and Topological Effects’ Appl. Phys. A, Mater. Sci. & Process. 80, 249 (2004).
M. Anbarasu, N Manikandan and S. Asokan, ‘Electrical Switching Behavior of Bulk As-Te-Si Glasses’, Trans. Indian Inst. Met., 57, 201 (2004).
Conference proceedings
D. Suresh, D. Jayakumar, R. Srinivasan and M. Anbarasu, ‘Understanding the impact of Heavy-Ion Induced Single Event Upsets in Phase Change Memory’, European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p155 (2018).
N. Saxena, C. Chen, M. Wuttig, M. Anbarasu, ‘Electrical conductivity and threshold switching dynamics of GeSbTe phase change memory devices’, European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p137 (2017).
N. Saxena, C. Chen, M. Wuttig, M. Anbarasu,‘Ultrafast threshold switching dynamics of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change memory device’, Proc. of 17th Non-volatile Memory Tech. Sym. NVMTS p133 (2017).
S.K. Pandey and M. Anbarasu, ‘Investigation on In3SbTe2 phase change material for multi-bit data storage applications’ European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p132 (2016).
Smriti Sahu, Uday Deshpande, Vasant Sathe, M. Anbarasu, ‘A Low Temperature Study on Optical Bandgap and Vibrational Modes of Thin Ge1Sb4Te7 Films’, European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p149 (2015).
M. Anbarasu, Smriti Sahu, M. Santosh Kumar, Kumaraswamy Miriyala and R. Ranjith, ‘An Extremely Low Power Threshold Switching of Thin Ge15Te85 Films using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM)’ European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p105 (2014).
Gaurav Bishnoi, K. Harish Kumar, Krishna Dayal Shukla, M. Anbarasu, ‘LabVIEW controlled ultrafast programmable electrical tester for nanoscale device characterization’ Proceedings of 2nd International conference on intelligent robotics, automation and manufacturing (IRAM) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p241-248, (2013).
M. Anbarasu, Pascal Rausch, Peter Zalden, Hanno Volker, J. Y. Raty, R. Mazzarello and Matthias Wuttig, ‘Local structure and physical properties of In3SbTe2: Characterizing a member of a fourth family of phase change materials’ European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, p212, (2011).
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan, ‘Investigations on Ge-Te-Si glasses and their suitability for phase change memory applications, European Phase change and Ovonics Science Symposium (EPCOS) Proceedings, E01, (2009).
S. Asokan, S. D. Savransky, Pulok Pattanayak and M. Anbarasu, ‘Functionally Expanded Phase-Change Memory: Experiments on Light Influence on Threshold Voltage’ IEEE Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium, ISBN: 0-7803-9408-9, 69 (7-10 Nov. 2005).
M. Anbarasu, K.D. Shukla, N. Saxena, Ultrafast Programmable Electrical Test System, Indian Patent, No. 201721016295 (2017).
I.A. Palani, A.K. Shukla, K. Akash, M. Anbarasu, V. Singh, A dual axis continuous solar tracking system using shape memory alloy bimorph based solar panel, Indian Patent, 201721026063 (2017)
Kaushal K. Singh, Nety M. Krishna, Om Nalamasu, S. Asokan, M. Anbarasu, A. K. Sood, Sudakshina Prusty, ‘Ge-Te-Si glasses for Phase Change Random Access Memory (PCRAM) applications’ PCT filed (2008).
Contributed to book chapters
M. Anbarasu and S. Asokan; Title: The Effects of Rigidity Percolation and Manifestation of Intermediate Phase in Chalcogenide Glasses Revealed by Electrical Switching Studies. Title of book: Rigidity Transitions and Boolchand Intermediate Phases in Nano- materials. Series: Optoelectronic materials and devices, volume 6 INOE 2009. Editors: M. Micoulaut and M. Popescu